Never Caught

by | Sep 15, 2023 | All, Pop, Rap, Song | 0 comments

What would a man do if he knew he could never be caught?”

Could he resist the temptation to live his worst thoughts?

Would he rise to meet all the virtue that he’s preached?

Or act more like an animal than a human being. 


One test of a man – to commit crimes then walk free.

Would he be the same man he always claimed he’d be?

Would he deliver justice, or do exactly as he pleased?

Committing any sin, when no-one else could see.


What greater power, than burying your crimes forever?

How untouchable is having to face justice – never,

would you trust your leaders to obey their own laws?

Maybe they’d do no wrong, possess no flaws.


Maybe with so much power, there’s nothing more to take,

No need to plunder or steal, cheat, murder or rape.

Do they escape justice from their laws they make,

Would you trust them, if you know the laws they break


What would a man do if he knew he could never be caught?”

Could he resist the temptation to live his worst thoughts?

Would he rise to meet all the virtue that he’s preached?

Or act more like an animal than a human being. 


One test of a man – to commit crimes then walk free.

Would he be the same man he always claimed he’d be?

Would he deliver justice, or do exactly as he pleased?

Committing any sin, when no-one else could see.


Some people judge themselves in life by a holy book. 

Pass judgement quickly on strangers without a second look.

There is a limit to how your eyes conceal your thoughts.

Reveal what it is you would do if you were never caught.


The bad teacher smiles before making your skin crawl

See where his eyes look before they turn to the wall

Keep one eye open while you bow down at work.

Is it hard to tell a persons thoughts behind a smirk  


Hear theres too much fraud, is there too much trust?

Criminals multiplying is no coincidence. 

6 percent of crimes solved, the rest walk free. 

And billions unreported, rewards to the guilty.


What would be your limits if there were no values? 

What would be your boundaries if nobody could stop you?

Do you daydream of power thinking of what you would do?

Mightier people than you dream to use their power too. 


What would a man do if he knew he could never be caught?”

Could he resist the temptation to live his worst thoughts?

Would he rise to meet all the virtue that he’s preached?

Or act more like an animal than a human being. 


One test of a man – to commit crimes then walk free.

Would he be the same man he always claimed he’d be?

Would he deliver justice, or do exactly as he pleased?

Committing any sin, when no-one else could see.


What better power, than burying your crimes forever?

How untouchable is having to face justice – never,

Would you trust your leaders to obey their own laws?

Maybe they do no wrong, they possess no flaws.